## `$WHOAMI` #### Dhruvin Parikh

* Blockchain developer and Instructor * Been in this space since 2017 * Sr. Smart Contract Engineer at Hype Labs * Technical Co-Founder and CTO at opty.fi * Adjunct Blockchain Professor at York University (2020-present) * Advising web3 projects * Adjunct Blockchain Professor at George Brown College (2019-2022)

``` GitHub : @dhruvinparikh Twitter : @dhruvinparikh_ LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/dhruvinparikh ```

## Node

* Any device connected to the distributed network * servers * computers * laptops * online or desktop wallets * mobile phones

## Byzantine fault tolerance * Possibilities were distributed systems can fail

## UTXO model

* Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) * Bitcoin’s model for transactions * Chests (accounts) vs Piggy banks (UTXOs)